Monday, July 07, 2008

Will and Going to....


Uses: For promises, asks, intention.

Subject + will + verb ( in indicative) + ....

Negative: Subject + will + not ( won't) + verb ( in indicative) + ....

Interrogative: will + Subject + vern ( in indicative) + ....


you will go to the cinema with me later.

he will eat her food.

I won't see the teletubies in the TV.

Going to:

uses: For promises, asks, intention but with segurity.

Afirmative: Subject + to be + going to + ....

Negative: Subject + to be + not + going to + ....

interrogative: to be + subject + going to + ....


You are going to the cinema with we tomorrow.

he isn't going to the cinema with we tomorrow.

is she going to the cinema with we tomorrow.


The Global warming

The global warming it's a modification in the climate change that affects everybody and are because of to natural causes, but these last years they (the scientifics)think what these causes also can be caused by the humans. The oceanic currents, are a regulatory factor of the climate that acts like moderador, softening the temperatures of regions like Europe. The clearest example is the current termohalina that, helped by the difference of temperatures and of salinity, hunde in the Atlantic.

Protocol of kioto

Governments agreed in 1997 the Protocol of Kioto of the Agreement Marco on climatic change of the UN (UNFCCC). The agreement has gone in in action the past 16 of February of 2005, only after 55 nations that add 55% of the broadcasts of gases of the greehouse effect have diminished it.