Thursday, May 31, 2007


it is as blogger but you can in instead do it you can in writing do with music, videos and your own voice. Podcasting consists of creating sound archives.
he is similar to one radio and you can use it with cover

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Madrid and Toledo

in Madrid we did not pass it very well, we visited: the museum of tyssent, the meadow, to the queen sofia.mi room was the best one because it was under the whole to the cellar and we shouted until the 3 of morning without you would ollesen to us

in toledo the best thing of was the stores and the restaurants there. Carles and I went to a restaurant where they were also the professors and when we entered went away running. in order to arrive at Toledo we took to the BIRD a train that goes to much speed. when we arrived at the station of trains towards much much heat.